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Yoga Meet Up in Quincy Park

  • Quincy Park 1021 N. Quincy Street Arlington, VA 22201 (map)

This FREE event will take place in-person at Quincy Park, 1021 N. Quincy Street in Arlington. 

Join friends, family, and your yoga community for an outdoor meet-up in Quincy Park hosted by Ahmed Jabali-Nash and your Sun & Moon friends. 

Breathe in some fresh air and natural beauty as we celebrate spring with partner yoga poses, music, slack line, inversion play, playground fun, and more. Bring a mat, or a blanket, or a volleyball, or a fun outdoor game to share, or all of the above! Kids of all ages welcome.

Gather near the volleyball courts at the corner of Washington Blvd. and N. Nelson St. 

Follow up with refreshments at Quincy Hall, where they're offering a 15% discount code for Sun & Moon friends!